Happening This Week @ FPC

March 9- March 15


Worship Service beginning at 10 AM.

Nursery Care and Kid's Church at 10am.


Free Community Lunch from 10am to 12:30pm in Taylor hall.


Kids Club beginning at 1:30pm in Taylor Hall.


Pastor’s Bible Study beginning at 12:00pm in the pastor’s office.


Morning Glories Women’s Bible Study from 9am to 11am in our church library.

Weekly Scripture Readings

In chapter 3 of Ephesians, Paul writes about his responsibility to proclaim God’s marvelous and gracious plan of uniting both Jews and Gentiles together in Christ.  Paul also prays that God would grant the Christians in Ephesus a greater knowledge of His extraordinary love for them.   In chapter 4 Paul exhorts the Ephesian church to maintain unity, to use their gifts, to grow in spiritual maturity, and to live out their new identity in Christ with a lifestyle that is different from the world.  You are invited to read these two chapters this week and ask God to help you to share the Good News, to learn about God’s love, to use your gifts, and to grow in maturity.

Monday:  Read Ephesians 3:1-6.   

What do these verses teach me about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Tuesday:  Read Ephesians 3:7-13.  

What do these verses teach me about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Wednesday:  Read Ephesians 3:14-21.  

What do these verses teach me about how to pray as a follower of Jesus?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Thursday:   Read Ephesians 4:1-16  

What do these verses teach me about how to contribute to the Body of Christ (the Church)?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Friday:  Read Ephesians 4:17-24.  

What do these verses teach me about how to live as a follower of Jesus?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Saturday:  Read Ephesians 4:25-32.  

What do these verses teach me about how to talk as a follower of Jesus? 

 How will I apply this to my life today?