Happening This Week @ FPC

November 17 - November 30


Worship Service beginning at 10 AM.

Nursery Care and Kid's Church at 10am.


Free Community Lunch from 10am to 12noon in Taylor hall.


Pastor’s Bible Study at 12 noon in the pastor’s office.


Morning Glories Bible Study this week at 9am in the church library.

Weekly Scripture Readings

Do you like to grumble?   Most of us can’t say we like to grumble, but we do find it easy to grumble. We grumble about the traffic. We grumble about the weather.  We grumble when someone doesn’t do what we ask. We grumble when the computer boots too slowly. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves grumbling daily.   But rather than helping our situation, it only worsens our attitude and decreases our trust in God. Grumbling is the exact opposite of how the Lord wants us to live.   We are called to give thanks continually (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and stand out like stars in a world full of complainers. You are invited to read these passages of Scripture this week and ask God to quit grumbling.  

Monday:  Read Philippians 2:1-18.  

What do these verses teach me about grumbling?

How will I apply this to my life today?

Tuesday:  Read James 5:7-11. 

What do these verses teach me about grumbling?

How will I apply this to my life today?

Wednesday:  Read John 6:35-51 

What do these verses teach me about grumbling?

How will I apply this to my life today?

Thursday:   Read Exodus 15:22-25; 16:1-4; 17:1-4.  

What do these verses teach me about grumbling?

How will I apply this to my life today?

Friday:  Read 1 Peter 4:7-11.    

What do these verses teach me about grumbling?

How will I apply this to my life today?

Saturday:  Read Jonah 4:1-11 

What do these verses teach me about grumbling?

How will I apply this to my life today?