Free Community Lunch from 10am to 12:30pm in Taylor hall.
Men’s Summit at 7pm in Taylor Hall
Kids Club from 1:30pm to 5pm.
Pastor’s Bible Study at 12 noon.
Morning Glories Women’s Bible Study from 9am to 11am in our church library
Weekly Scripture Readings
There is no better New Year's resolution than to decide to follow Jesus; to fix your eyes on Jesus that you might do everything you do in the way Jesus did all that He did. This is Jesus’ goal for all of us who call Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Jesus said, "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like His teacher" (Luke 6:40, Matthew 10:24-25, John 13:15-17). This seems like an impossible goal to obtain. Fortunately, God’s Word contains everything we need to know about following Jesus. This week you are invited to read these passages of Scripture on how and why to follow Jesus and the example He set for us.